Help Wanted
Flex Bathhouse-Full time. Experience helpful but desire to leam even better. Fill out application anytime. 1293 W. 9th Street, Cleveland. (8)
Mail Handlers Needed Seeking motivated and hardworking people to work part-time or on an on-call basis. $5.15/hour. Start work immediately! Call Mary Ann at 216-631-8646.
Help Wanted
The Gay People's Chronicle is growing and seeking talented and enthusiastic people to join the staff of Ohio's largest gay, lesbian newspaper. Full and part-time positions are available for advertising sales. Experience is preferred but training is available for dependable, responsible go-getters. Call David Ebbert at 216-631-8646.
WANTED! VERY BUSY PRIVATE CLUB seeks full and part time positions for motivated and responsible individuals. Apply in person Sun-Sun 8am-4pm at CLUB CLEVELAND, 1448 West 32nd Street, Cleveland, OH.
Mail Order
Steamy adult clothing, lingerie, toys and lotions. Something for everyone. For catalog, rush $4.00 to Spicy Sensations, PO Box 5154, Mansfield, Ohio 44901
The successful alternative to diets and drugs! Lose weight, stop smoking, release stress. Free initial evaluation. Positive Changes Hypnosis at the intersection of Routes 91 & 20 in Willoughby. 440-951-2626.
Problems Getting Life
Guaranteed Life Insurance Coverage for anyone ages 25 through 80 with cancer, diabetes, HIV+, heart/stroke, overweight, etc. No physical exam and no medical or health questions required. Call for help: 330-928-4266 (7)
For Rent
Northern Ohio
Rocky River-Clean 1 BR. Heat and air included. $500 per month. Call 440-333-4906. (7)
Lakewood-Furnished, large 1 BR apartment. Parking, clean, quiet, convenient location near West 117th Street. Call 216-932-3101. (7)
Cleveland West-Just remodeled, spacious 1 BR $300$325, 2 BR $425. Carpeted, appliances, no dogs. References + security deposit. 216-226-6221. (8)
Shaker Square area apartments. Spacious eff., 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms starting from $350 per month. Near bus and Rapid. Call 216-752-9508. (~)
Northern Ohio Cleveland Heights-home to share. Central air, dishwasher, laundry, fenced backyard gardens, $300. Room includes utilities. Walk to RTA/shopping. 216-321-1205. (7)
Announcements JEWISH?
In a mixed relationship, gay, lesbian or straight? Welcome to a newly formed, very unorthodox, Reformed Temple We are seeking "wandering Jews" who want to return to their roots. Contact the B'nai Emeth Congregation where all are welcome. 216-556-0347. (8)
Small endowed? Short in stature? Prefer us? Alone? Self conscious? Tired of guys wanting tall or well endowed? 100's nationwide. Detail ŞASE PO Box 610294, Bayside, (7) NY 11361-0294
Erotica Classifieds are on page 21
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1 Week
75¢ per word
2 Weeks 70¢ per word
*Erotica classifieds are an EXTRA $1 per word per issue
3 Weeks 65¢ per word
4 Weeks 60¢ per word
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price x
# of weeks =|
2. Extras for your
$5 each per issue.
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Grand 1909
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choses a category Help Wanted Business Opportunities For Sale Roommates
bor classified.
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Mail Order
(Erotica classifieds are an EXTRA $1. per word per issue)
Landmark Bed & Breakfast Inn
Where Historic Brewery District meets German Village
1083 S. High St. Columbus, OH 43206
house near
all attractions. Cable TV, VCR, fax,
Work-out area. Room for 1-$50 Room for 2-$65 Suite for 4-$100 Barracks beds @$25. Catering
Telephone (614) 449-8298 Telefacsimile (614) 449-8663 to Gay Men
Don't Wait
Around for
Mr. Right to Find You...
Name Address
Phone (
Check or Money Order Enclosed
Name on card. Card #
If paying by Mastercard or Visa, fax this form to 216-631-1052 or call 216-631-8646, toll free, 800-426-5947.
Exp. Date:
...Go find him
in the Gay People's Chronicle Personals.
Someone for everyone starting on page 18.
Total from section 1 (# of words x # of weeks);
Total from section 2(Extras $ of extras x # of weeks):
GRAND TOTAL Minimum $15 Per Issue
Make check or money order payable to Gay People's Chronicle, and send to P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Classified ads received with payment by 3 pm on Friday will be included in the next issue. There is a minimum $15 per issue for each classified ad. Ads without headlines will have the first words boldfaced. Sexually explicit ads will not be accepted. Payment must be made in full before ad can run. NO REFUNDS. $25 fee for returned checks.